Joining the Masses

Jesus taught us that it is more blessed to give than to receive. I've decided to listen to that teaching, and instead of watching Youtube videos that others put up, I posted my first two videos. :)

Why? Well, sometimes when I need to learn a difficult song, I'll see if someone else has posted a "how to play it" video on Youtube. I heard this amazingly ridiculous song on Saturday, and couldn't find any instruction on how to play it. It took me about 3 hours total to learn the first 12 seconds of the song, and that's no exaggeration.

So I'm joining the masses who have already posted videos, with my two part instructional video on how to play this song. Hopefully it saves someone else the hours, and they can do something else with that time!

It's called "O Come, O Come Emmanuel," from Martha Munizzi's Christmas album called "When He Came."


Part One...

Part Two...


Kacey Lanier said...

amazing! :)

Anonymous said...

Cool... you're a good teacher. Why b&w, then color?

Andrew said...

I don't know why b&w then color! I was figuring it out as I was going along-not sure which button I hit for that one. :)

Andrew said...
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