reality check

so i posted on greed yesterday. some of you are wondering what happened, cause to be honest, that one wasn't the post that finishes with the warm fuzzies.

i had my wife read it before i posted it, because i was scared. mostly of being a hypocrite, since i drive an SUV (7 years old) and have a Macbook (actually church-owned).

Speaking about sin is kinda like sticking your head up out of your safe foxhole. When you do it, people start taking shots at you. This may mean I need to get some thicker skin, since I think about this so much. :)

All that being said, I really can't apologize. When I shared this blog, I put "we" in there for a reason. You wouldn't have to look very hard to find greed in me, in all honesty. I didn't write it because of any righteousness in me. I wrote it because it's something I wrestle with. My wife and I want to live within our means. Live debt free. Have some left over to bless others with, even above our tithe.

But our culture, everything around us, tells us something else. And I think we as believers should say so when the kingdom of this world comes against the Kingdom of God.

That's why I wrote about greed. I hope you were challenged, cause I was.



The Cooks said...

great post...we need to get together soon, the 4 of us...maybe BREW one morning?!


Andrew said...

i have been meaning to call teddy forever! i'm up for it-i'll ask chrissy today when we can set that up. :)
did you have the baby?