Back in the South

I've been up in Raleigh this week-heading back to South Florida tonight. It weird now that I'm married. Traveling is still fun, but it's not cool to be away from my wife for long periods of time. I can't imagine being one of those couples where the husband has to travel for business regularly. I just love being home too much!

Been playing electric guitar with the guys this week (jake holman, brian kohout and nolan verner). It's so great to play with other good musicians-a little ridiculous at times! This morning we didn't rehearse or soundcheck. We literally walked on stage, jake told us the set list and we started. no practice, no talking, no charts, no arrangements. He said, "Sing, sing, sing; Oh Happy Day; Everlasting God; From the inside out." I asked what keys. He says, "D, C, C, C."

And we begin. Hilarious!

This week has been about tons of sweet tea, story telling, and remembering all the things about the traveling baptist circuit that I loved and hated.

Can't wait to be home tonight! Back to the sweaty swamp I now call home. :D

1 Comment:

SPARKY said...

hey you. some how i missed your comment a while back. i've been busy having a baby :O) she was born on july 30th. a beautiful little girl. jovi shea davis smith. i just put up a new post. check it out. there's pics of her and rykon. i'd love to hear from you. send me a friend request on facebook so we can chat!