Food for Thought

To all my friends who find themselves deep into politics this year, some things to consider....

Do we believe that change should happen from the bottom up, not the top down?

Do we believe that morality shouldn't be legislated? Consider that in an election you cannot divorce the candidate's morality from his policies.

Do we believe that we are personally responsible for our lives and our choices, and that government shouldn't make them for us?

I came across some disturbing campaign promises today.

Here Obama promises to a Planned Parenthood audience that his very first act as President will be signing into law the Freedom of Choice Act. This act would abolish bans on partial-birth abortion and parental notification laws nationwide while implementing tax-payer funded abortions.

Instead of taking my word for it, you can hear his comments here.

Whether or not you vote for him is one of the beautiful freedoms of our country. But if you vote for him without knowing what concrete campaign promises he has made to supporters, then in this age of information you have shown yourself to be willfully ignorant.

Further Reading

Article on Freedom of Choice act
FAQ from Planned Parenthood on the FOCA