The Gospel

If I asked you to give me your description of the Gospel, what would you say it is?

Post your answer in a comment, and let's discuss!


Anonymous said...

gospel = good news = Kingdom of God is near = Kingdom of God is near = holy and eternal peace is close-by. Is this limited to salvation through Christ?

I say probably not.

I think this includes the peace that comes from making Jesus Lord... this is where things get complicated and I usually get in trouble... :(.

Anonymous said...

If we have the Kingdom of God as a part of the gospel/good news, the Kingdom only reflects the righteous and just reign of the King. Should the focus be more on the King of the Kingdom?
Also, some sort of reconciliation with God, a reestablishing of the relationship that was lost in Eden should be included. If I am separated from Him, wouldn't the best news be that I can be reunited?