The Challenge to Change

Today, I'm sitting at home watching the festivities in Washington, DC wondering what the new administration will bring to the table.  Change is something that we all know takes discipline and commitment, and as we all know, those are two characteristics usually not found in politics.

There are many parts of our country that I hope will change.  I agree that we all must pitch in to be a part of the solution, rather than the problem.  How that happens?  Well, I suppose that's the part up for debate.

Let me tell you about one of our friends.  Chrissy and I met Gina almost two years ago.  Gina was living on the streets and during our friendship she found an apartment and got off the streets.  This, of course, was a fantastic step and we were so happy for her!  

The interesting part came later as we were talking to her about getting a job (thinking that would be the next step to getting on her feet).  As we spoke, she surprisingly didn't want to get a job because she said that she would then make less money.  As crazy as that sounds, I found out through questioning her that it was true.

Gina gets a housing allowance, health care and food stamps courtesy of the good taxpayers of our country.  She can live without ever getting a job for a long time.  For her to get a job and pay taxes to help someone else doesn't cross her mind, because if she gets a job then she must work and she will actually show income, making her lose all her benefits.  

For the new administration to ask us all to pitch in sounds fantastic.  But Gina probably won't ever pitch in because once she does, she will have a harder time with life.  And there are tens of thousands more just like Gina, caught in this weird spot where they aren't going to get a job because they will make less money than if they just don't work at all.

Change we can all believe in?  Let's find a way to get everyone to pitch in.  Let's find a way to create jobs.  Let's find a way to push people to continue to grow and take personal responsibility, rather than rely on the government for their income and benefits.  Let's find a way to fix the situation that Gina and so many more find themselves in, helping them to find work so that their taxes help the next guy or girl get back on their feet.

Change take discipline and commitment.  Let's hope we all can become greater in our discipline and commitment, first and foremost to Christ and His teachings.  At that point, He creates change in us, by the power of His Spirit.  And that is change that we can truly believe in.  That is where our hope must lie-in the power and person of Christ.