Churches Seeking Worship Leaders

Lately I've been speaking to a few worship leaders I know who have been looking for a church opportunity. I decided to look online at what "classified ads" were out there advertising positions for worship leaders, and what I found made my heart hurt.

Most of what I saw from these churches had to do with the desire of the search committee or pastor to have a particular style of worship. Something along the lines of "We are looking for a dynamic worship leader to lead our music ministry in the style of Tomlin, Crowder, Hillsong, etc."

Unfortunately for worship leaders, we are graded too often on how "dynamic" we are on stage, the style of worship we lead, or how we 'look.' There are actual churches I know of that are looking for a worship leader that dresses a certain way, or does their hair to look like the latest indie rocker.

Is this what we've become? Is it now style over substance for these who lead churches? I would warn any worship leader I know to run the other way if a church approached them with those requirements, but too often this has become the norm. What if the shoe was on the other foot? Maybe the ad might read:

Worship leader looking to work for a pastor who teaches like Andy Stanley and Erwin McManus. Must dress in ripped jeans and Affliction T-shirts. Must have cool hair and really good stage presence. Should consistently engage their staff and church body, doing all 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell.

Of course, if you're looking for a job at a church, placing an ad like this isn't a good strategy. :) As it's also not a good strategy for a church or a pastor to pigeonhole a "good worship leader" based on style.

The world is consistently judging people based on style and appearance. Meanwhile, what the church truly needs are worship leaders with a passion for bringing Glory to the Character and Acts of the triune God. We need worship leaders who will teach and train others, discipling the local body in a lifestyle of worship. We need worship leaders who understand how to love on, manage, and encourage creative people (which at times is similar to herding cats).

God doesn't need cool hair or the latest trend to declare His glory. And neither is He looking for us to return to the style of yesteryear. I Samuel 16:7 reminds us that man looks upon the outward appearance, but God looks upon the heart.

Young worship leaders, seek out the church that God is calling you to, but don't forget to look for the church and the leadership that shares that kind of heart. The heart of biblical worship, not simply culturally relevant appearance.


Kacey Lanier said...

So, so true.

Unknown said...

great blog andrew. I totally agree.

Unknown said...

This is a fantastic blog! It speaks volumes... thanks Andrew!

Chase Bryner said...

Hey man, this was great and so true. Thanks for sharing that.
Good work!
